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Whether you're interested in using Jury at your own hackathon or wanting to help develop and improve the software, we're glad you're here 💙. Continue reading for information to get Jury up and running in no time for your event. Or, if you're interested in setting up a development environment, go to development setup.

How does it work?

For a walkthrough of the judging process using Jury, check out our Judging Walkthrough page. For more technical details, read about how Jury works here!

Deploying for your Hackathon

Jury is a stand-alone application used solely for the judging of hackathon projects. Before using Jury, make sure that your hackathon is using the recommended physical setup.

We will be deploying Jury on Digital Ocean's App Platform. Jury can be built into a Docker container, which is perfect for serving on the App Platform. For our tier of App Platform, we are playing $5/month. This might sound like a lot, but Digital Ocean's pricing is prorated hourly. This means that (given 31 days in a month, 744 hours in a month) if you have the judging application up for 2 days (48 hours), you would be charged a whole... 32 cents!!! And to make this deal even better, if you sign up with the referral link below, you get $200 in free Digital Ocean credits for 60 days.

The only other external resource we need is a MongoDB Atlas Database. Luckily, MongoDB Atlas is completely free at its lowest tier, which is all we need. We have used it for events that exceed 1000 participants and 200+ projects being judged simultaneously, with no issues at all. The free database gives you 512 MB of data storage, which is plenty for text-only storage.


You are paying less than a dollar for almost a week of hosting, plus a database that is 100% free forever for your data.

Step 0. Set up MongoDB Atlas​

We first need to create a MongoDB database cluster. Instructions can be found at: You should follow the Atlas UI steps 1-4.

Once you have your database set up and a user added, go to (on the sidebar) Deployment > Database, then click on Connect next to your database. You should see a popup; click on Drivers and on "step 3" it shows a Connection string, which should be in the following format:


The username, url, and app-name fields should be filled in already; you just have to put the password that you set in step 3 of the setup. This connection string will be important later, so make sure you don't lose the password!


A common issue with MongoDB is IP addresses not being whitelisted. Go to the console, click Security > Network Access. Click Add IP Address on the right and add in the "Access List Entry" field.

Step 1. One-click Deploy​

Deploy to DO

Click the button above to do a one-click deploy onto Digital Ocean. For full disclosure, the URL above contains my referral code, but it will get you $200 in free credits if this is your first time signing up for a Digital Ocean account!

Step 2. Resources​

  • Click "Edit Plan"
  • Change plan to "Basic"
  • Change Instance Size to "$5.00/mo -- Basic (512 MB RAM | 1 vCPU)"
  • Click "Back"
  • Click "Next"

Step 3. Environmental Variables​

Click on "edit" next to "jury-service" and fill in the environmental variables as follows:

  • VITE_JURY_NAME - Name of the app to display to the user (eg. HackUTD X Judging)
  • JURY_ADMIN_PASSWORD - Password for the admin portal (suggestion: use 2 random words)
  • MONGODB_URI - URI of MongoDB Atlas instance (see step 0)

Email Hosting​

Jury needs to send emails to judges with their judging code. Each judge will receive an email when you add them, so if you have 100 judges, then you will need to send out 100 emails.

There are 3 ways we recommend hosting emails. The first is through Gmail SMTP, which means that you simply send emails through your personal email. This is completely free but may face performance issues if you have to send too many emails. The second is through Sendgrid. Many organizations already use Sendgrid, so this may be convenient for you. Note that you need to enable billing and upgrade your account if you want to send more than 100 emails in a day. The final option that has been tested is AWS SES. This is a paid service also used by many organizations. You will have to fill out specific environmental variables for each service:

If using Gmail SMTP:

  • EMAIL_FROM = gmail username
  • EMAIL_USERNAME = gmail username
  • EMAIL_PASSWORD = google app password

If using SendGrid:

  • SENDGRID_API_KEY = API key provided by SendGrid
  • EMAIL_FROM = email to send from
  • EMAIL_FROM_NAME = display name of sender

If using AWS SES:

  • EMAIL_HOST = email-smtp.<region>
  • EMAIL_FROM = verified email to send from

Make sure you do not change the pre-filled fields. You may leave any unused fields blank (ie. if you are using Sendgrid, you do not need to fill out the EMAIL_PASSWORD field).

Step 4. App Info​

You can change the subdomain of the URL if you want:

  • App Info > edit
  • Change app name (URL will be <app_name><some_characters>
  • Click Next

You may also want to set up a custom domain name for your application (see below).

Step 5. Done!​

Go to the review page and make sure everything looks good. Once you make sure all settings are correct, click "Create Resources". Once the app has finished building (which may take a couple of minutes), you should be able to see the app online at the provided URL!

Next Steps​


If you have any issues with setting up a domain, please feel free to reach out to me (Michael Zhao).

Custom Domain Name​

Follow the provided DigitalOcean guide to deploy to a custom domain name. Make sure you use Option 2: Using a CNAME Pointer if have your own domain hosting set up.

Public API​


🚧 The public API is still a WIP 🚧